Web Development

Start Career as a Web Developer

28 April 2021

Hello Guys, I share some knowledge for the freshers and who want to start a career as a Web Developer or as a Web Designer.

First we need to know the difference between the Web Developer and Web Designer.

What is Web Designer?

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Web Designer mainly work on front-end of the website. Responsible for the Structure, Color Combinations and Responsive. A web designer must have knowledge of HTML, CSS,CSS3, Bootstrap and Javascript. Designer work on html pages added styling through css, Managing the layout , images shows in different devices must have knoweledge of the media query in css @media. A designer have the creative mind knowledge of color combinations because of this the website look attractive and beautiful.

What is Web Developer?

A Web Developer works on database and scripting languages. Scripting language such as PHP, Dot Net, Python, Java etc. Web developer work makes website dynamic.If a user want some information from the database this work done is done by the web developer. Web Developer make the website dynamic , all content comes from database, storing details of the user in the database.

Decide The Path First

A student which want their carreer in web development field first need to decide whether go for frontend or backend. Which part is suited or love to work. If someone have quality to create algorithms, good in statistics etc go for Backend or as Web Developer.

Get the Training in Appropriate Departments

If you want a career in Web designing or in web Development first need to take a training or certified. If you want to learn free go for Youtube , w3school.com and many more free platform. Or you can get certified by purchasing the course from Udemy.com, simplilearn, coursera etc.

Create a Portfolio or Demo projects

It is very important that you create multiple demos beacuase if you showing your work that you already work and capable in making website so it always a good impressium in front of the interviewer and will increase the chance of hire. Craete as many as demo you can create.

Practice will open the door for you

Yes its true that practice will open the door for your job. Because in Technical round you have to write the code in paper or you have to give the technical test on system. If you are not practising and fail to code then you have to forget the job in IT. Yes it is black truth of the IT industries.

So Best of Luck and Keep Coding amd most important enjoy it!..

Thanks for visting and comment below if it is useful for You!!!!

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Hello, I'm
Rajat Meshram

I am a WordPress Developer having 5+ years of Experience. My professional experience includes designing and implementing web pages, user interfaces and plugins for WordPress, helping clients to troubleshoot and fix their WordPress products, designing themes that are as functional as they are beautiful and working with a team of colleagues to create the best products possible.

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