
Register Custom Rest API

For Creating custom api in wordpress we need to register a new route url for our custom rest api. Go the theme functions.php file and add the code Now add the function which gives some data when you hit the custom api url Now hit the url in browser for Ex: http://localhost/demowordpress/wp-json/twentyone_wl/v1/posts Now You see […]

How To Change Aurthor Name on frontend in wordpress

We can change the author name to site name on the frontend of the site. Paste below code to your theme functions.php Thanks for visting and comment below if it is useful for You!!!!

How To Add Discount on cart page in woocomerce

In woocommerce we can add the fixed discount automatically of 10% if the cart total equal 5000 or greater than 5000 Just paste the code in your functions.php file of theme and check it is working or not. Thanks for visting and comment below if it is useful for You!!!!

Woocomerce Custom Update Cart button

In this example we change the position of update cart button before checkout button in Cart page. Put the below code in functions.php page In cart.php file find this code for update cart button style=”display: none;” Add this code for hiding the woocommerce default button. Now just put js code in footer.php

WordPress free themes

There are many wordpress theme available in internet which can download for free. By using this free themes we can make website easily and without investing any money for purchasing theme There are some themes which we can download free an use 1.Neve Neve theme is free and we can download easily just need to […]

Custom register form using ajax in wordpress

Create Custom html form Add this code in functions.php file Add this code below Call ajax file for ajax submission 2. Add this in footer Thanks for visting and comment below if it is useful for You!!!!
